Welcome to EDEN’s documentation!

EDEN (Extensible Dynamics Engine for Networks) is a simulation program for spiking neural networks that takes models described in NeuroML and generates the simulated behaviour of these networks.

It is best used as part of a neural modelling workflow, between the stage of generating the model to simulate, and analysis of the simulation’s results.

To learn how to use EDEN, check out the Quickstart with a classic Hodgkin-Huxley neuron, and browse the user’s guide for more about modelling and usage (starting with NeuroML basics).


EDEN is most easily installed via pip:

pip install eden-simulator
It can then be run from:
  • Python, as import eden_simulator as eden; eden.runEden('LEMS_<sim file>.xml');

  • the command line, as eden nml LEMS_<sim file>.xml.

For more installation options, refer to the README here.

Table of contents

Indices and tables